I recently switched to do some testing from Wiremock to Mountebank. I found that Mountebank had far more flexibility and simplicity when doing complex data setups to support your test cases. I ran both on the docker and kubernetes and they work perfectly fine in both engines.
Sample docker mountebank run:
docker run --name mountebank -p 2525:2525 -p 11000-11010:11000-11010 \\ -v /home/user/mountebank-data/:/mb bbyars/mountebank --configfile /mb/templates/imposters.ejs \\ --allowInjection --ipWhitelist "::ffff:|"
Sample wiremock run:
docker run --name wiremock \\ -p 9999:8080 \\ -v /home/bcavlin/IdeaProjects/moleculer/mock:/home/wiremock \\ wiremock/wiremock --verbose --global-response-templating --max-template-cache-entries 0